Cruising '24: Tilting at Windmills

Published 19:30 on 17 Mar 2024
What a Spectacular Day at Sea!
First cruising event of the year 2024 and what weather we got!!! KWe were kissed by the sun and blessed by a calm sea.,
We met up at The Clubhouse at BMYC, and after the necessary coffee, we set the sails for the Windmills. We had a fantastic turnout, lots of fun cruising around, taking pics and videos,...
Big thanks to Tim Hill for the drone footage.
What an amazing testament that our Cruising community at BMYC is growing. We love being out on the water, celebrating sailing, and making new connections with like-minded individuals. Our cruising part of the Club is for pure fun on the water - sea is our endless playground and we love it. Let's keep the adventure going together!