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Home / News / Round the Island Race '24
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Round the Island Race '24

Published 01:00 on 15 Jun 2024

Round The Island 2024

Extreme conditions severely depleted the fleet of the 2024 Round the Island Race, with hundreds of boats opting not to compete or retiring in 50-knot winds. With a forecast of strong winds and big seas, it wasn't surprising that that only 154 of the 939 entries finished this year's race, with many not starting and 418 retiring.

Results for BMYC

IRC 1B:Revive Position in Group 7th Position Overall 52nd

IRC 1C Redeye Position in Group 2nd Position Overall 19th

IRC 3B Aphrodisiac Position in Group 4th Position Overall 36th

Team races BMYC C: 10th; BMYC D: 11th Redeye 3rd in Jeanneau Sunfast Fleet

What was it like to be in this year's RTI?

This is Laura's experience crewing on Redeye.

Despite Redeye's best attempts to sling me overboard again, I survived another Round The Island race in absolutely mental conditions. After a few noisy beers on the Friday, we had a 4 am alarm clock for a 6 am race gun. By this time, they had cancelled eight of the classes because the RTI thought that it would be too dangerous for these boats. As we left the usually calm inland waters already in pretty strong 30 plus gusts in sunshine, we were heading towards what was obviously storms and rough seas ahead. The worst feeling is not knowing exactly what we are about to face and knowing you can't do anything about it. I'm happy I didn't see the skippers gesturing to each other to perhaps turn back, but wasn't cheered up when Pete suggested I moved to the back of the boat and clip on. Mmmm. Anyway, it wasn't boring! We saw 47 knot gusts at the Needles which is one off Beaufort 10. It was hardcore and dangerous. The majority of the yachts had to retire and we were one of the only 154 yachts that actually made it around the island. That's out of nearly 1,000 yachts! We managed to finish after 6.5 hours of relentless strong winds, some huge waves, utterly soaked through six layers of clothing, freezing cold, and feeling absolutely battered! We came 19th overall ! Against world class sailors. And we came second in our division Obviously that result was helped by my amazing holding on skills! I couldn't do much else! I didn't cry. I didn't vomit. I didn't even complain! (unlike me!) I did shut my eyes at some points and go to a happy place! For the first time in 3 years we clipped ourselves on to the boat. Except one point when we had to unclip for a 'wheelbarrow' jibe, (felt more like a washing machine spin) The boat tipped right over and a crewmate held me on !! Thanks Joe! That's when you learn what teamwork really is. The photo is of us is the finish line. Which is inland, and we were still leant over at 30+ knots!! I have blood shot eyes today from the salt. Perhaps that's why she's called Redeye ! Love her. Love my crew!

And from a skipper- Graham and crew completed the race on Aphrodisiac

Aphrodisiac's RTI was a wet challenge. The boat turns into a submarine and makes a considerable amount of water. We turned back in the Needles channel to pump out as water was touching the switch panel we lost 20 mins there. The pictures don't convey how big the seas were. We thought after the Needles it would be easier-wrong -we had 3m waves and the wind near the Needles was recorded as F 8-9.Near Princessa Shoal buoy it was very windy -we tacked rather than gybed. We had a small electrical fire off Osborne House. Everything was soaked ! We were kindly offered accommodation to dry out. Never again in this weather -I'm too old for this! I must add my totally fearless young crew encouraged us to continue -many thanks. Now to repair the electrical system and replace the VHF aerial which blew away, thanks Marcin, Dylan and Harry.

Redeye, Revive and Aphrodisiac!!! We salute you!

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