Rating Systems
Where yachts of mixed design (and hence, mixed performance) compete together in a race it is necessary to level the disparities in performance by applying a correction 'rating' to the time taken for a yacht to sail the course.
The rating is referred to as a Time Correction Factor (TCF). TCF's differ according to the boat design, and which Scoring Regime is used.
At BMYC we score races under two scoring regimes, IRC and YTC:
IRC is an internationally recognised rating system organised by the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC)
YTC has replaced NHC (National Handicap for Cruisers) developed and promoted by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) and is administered by RORC on behalf of the RYA.
A yacht may only compete under IRC or YTC when a current Rating Certificate is registered with the BMYC race committee; Rating Certificates are issued by the RORC Rating Office.
All yachts competing in BMYC races will be scored via the YTC system or the IRC system and most yachts also compete under both IRC and YTC and are 'Dual Scored' resulting in two sets of results from the same race, and the chance of two sets of prizes awarded at the prize giving dinner.
After each race we adjust (handicap) the YTC rating attempting to level the relative crew and boat performance providing closer results in the YTC fleet.
Each race series has 2 fleets grouping yachts and crews of similar types together. We required that once 1 race in a series is completed that the fleet choice remains for a series. We can provide assistance with fleet choice when you are new to BMYC to ensure you have the best possible experience in your racing at the club.
For further information or direct contact with a member of the race committee please email racing@bmyc.uk